Kotobukiya Armored Core AC-003 Mirage C05-Selena 1/72 Scale ModelZoom

Kotobukiya Armored Core AC-003 Mirage C05-Selena 1/72 Scale Model

Item# Kotobukiya-Armored-Core-Mirage-Selena-Model
USD $29.99
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Kotobukiya Armored Core AC-003 Mirage C05-Selena 1/72 Scale Model is a new category of Armored Core plastic model kits. Body parts, weaponry, and equipment are swappable to allow for maximum customization and creativity. This new Variable Infinity (VI) installment features a dark crimson body color on a heavily armored build. It towers over the original AC GAEA model kit by 1.2" and stands 7.5" tall. The kit consists of approximately 347 parts, poly-caps, and 6 colored parts. It does not require either cement or paint to complete or use.
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